These completions are generated at runtime from information scraped from the Afterbirth+ API. The syntax that completions are generated for ("a" by default) can be specified with the completions_scope setting. whether the completion is for a function or an attribute, the return type of a function). Some useful information is also included in the completion descriptions (e.g. The completions include fields, which can be cycled between, for any function parameters that may be defined in the function signature. public member functions and attributes of classes. You now have access to completions for e.g. Run the Scrape documentation command, which can be found in the command palette (CTRL+SHIFT+P on Windows) of Sublime Text, to process the official Lua documentation included in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+. Some features may not be available in Sublime Text 2 or in older versions of Sublime Text 3 due to limitations in the API of those versions of Sublime Text.

#The binding isaac afterbirth mods archive
sublime-package file(s) from the release archive and paste it into the \Sublime Text N\Data\Installed Packages directory.